The Live Music Forum

Phil Little Bulletin

Wednesday 22nd September 2010 - Live Music Discussed at Lib Dem Conference

UK Music Chief Executive, Feargal Sharkey has been driving the live music point home at the Liberal Democrat Conference this week, reports Robert Ashton in Music Week,

UK Music hosted a fringe meeting at the Lib Dem Conference in Liverpool and on Monday the Independent featured an interview with Sharkey,

The Liberal Democrats promised to tackle the funding crisis in the music business and at the meeting MP, Don Foster said he was aware of the problems of access to finance for the industry and that Vince Cable was trying to "ensure the banks are lending again".

Foster went on to say, "Have a look at the investment Government has made in the car industry and compare that with how much has been invested in culture. It is like chalk and cheese. We have all been good at talking the talk about investing in culture. The real test for the coalition Government is will it walk the walk?"

Lord Tim Clement Jones was also on the panel and said he hoped that his Live Music Bill would have a reading next month. Lord Clement-Jones said, "Given a fair wind, I hope it can happen. Penrose is highly sympathetic. He might even want to go further". Lord Tim was referring to Culture Minister John Penrose who has been overseeing a Coalition consultation into the Licensing Act.

Here at The Live Music Forum we are patiently awaiting the resulting announcement from the Culture Minister. Is it possible we could hear something at the Conservative Party Conference ?

Phil Little
Live Music Forum



