The Live Music Forum

Phil Little Bulletin

Thursday 7th October 2010 - More Live Music Success in Australia

Those of you who have subscribed to this list for a while will know that the idea for a small gigs exemption originally came from Australia where live music campaigners have enjoyed considerably more success with their Government.

The live music campaign down under was started in New South Wales by John Wardle and now Australian musicians are celebrating success in Victoria state.

"The Brumby Labor Government, the Director of Liquor Licensing and Victoria’s live music community have signed a new agreement recognising the importance of live music and introducing a commonsense approach to security conditions for live music venues."

Consumer Affairs Minister Tony Robinson said, “We have listened to the industry’s legitimate concerns and agree that live music in no way causes violence”.

Meanwhile in the UK, following election promises to ease restrictions on live music from both the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives, things drag on and fears are growing of further procrastination by the
coalition Government.

Lord Clement Jones' Live Music Bill is due for another reading and seems to still be our best hope for progress.

Keep Live Music

Phil Little
Live Music Forum



